Nils Orth, Chris Cox, Nancy Neill, Joanna Platt, Kim Flora, Dan Molnar, Anna Belle Loeb, Christine Palnik, Pia De Girolamo, & Sue O’Donnell.
Works on View: Sept. 1st 2011 – Oct. 31st 2011
Artist’s Reception: Sunday Sept. 11th 2011, 1:00pm to 4:00pm
While not directly relating to the catastrophe on Sept. 11 2001, the reception for Memory coincidently falls on the 10 year anniversary of the fall of the World Trade Center in New York, NY. The mood is not always somber in the work of these 10 artists.
Dan Molnar
Dan Molnar works primarily with paper and materials accumulated through day to day living, recycling this humble material into substantial works. As we march towards a paperless society, Dan Molnar builds monuments. His piece I Lived Here is made from recycled copies of the Philadelphia Inquirer and the Norristown Times Herald. A large scale work on the wall, thick and expansive, it feels less self-referential and more communal than its title indicates.

Building on years of experience with digital media, Sue O’Donnell combines experimental book arts, graphic design, and conceptual narratives. Through the use of family photos, story telling, and graphic diagramming, O’Donnell constructs visual timelines and memory maps based on her experiences and life events. Like First Memory much of O’Donnell work in the exhibition uses the grid to build a large scale work from smaller fragments.
Memory is on view until October 31st 2011. This page will be updated with more pictures of the exhibition and information about the artists shortly.